Regional Public Transportation to Strike for 5 Days in the Netherlands

Regional Public Transportation to Strike for 5 Days in the Netherlands

Public transportation workers in the Netherlands will go on a five-day strike starting February 6, 2023.

The CNV labor union announced the strike after negotiations with employers over a new collective bargaining agreement broke down.

The agreement covers 13,000 employees, mainly bus drivers.

The strike comes after a previous strike by the FNV labor union caused about 40% of public transportation to be canceled.

The CNV presented an ultimatum to the organization of public transportation services, VWOV, but their current proposal offer lapsed when the unions went on strike.

This means both parties must start the collective bargaining talks from scratch.

A spokesperson for CNV said further talks would not be productive as VWOV did not make any new concessions.

The unions will prepare for the strike this week and are unlikely to respond to VWOV’s counter-ultimatum.

VWOV chair Fred Kagie said:

The current collective labor agreement proposal is “above average” and asked the unions to allow their employees to take these steps and to aim for peace in their industry and security for travelers.

Fred Kagie

Post's Author

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