104 Climate Activists Arrested at Eindhoven Airport, Now All Free

104 Climate Activists Arrested at Eindhoven Airport, Now All Free

On Saturday, 104 climate activists from Extinction Rebellion (XR) were arrested at Eindhoven Airport

They were arrested for trespassing, but now all but one of them is free. 

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee said the last arrested activist was released Saturday evening.

The XR activists were protesting against air pollution, noise pollution, and damage to health caused by the airport. 

They want the airport to stop polluting, follow climate rules, and reduce the number of flights.

The protest started at noon near the airport entrance. Some activists managed to cut a hole in the fence and enter the area with private jets. 

The Marechaussee and police stopped them before they could get to the runway. 

XR had said they did not plan to enter the runway, so they would not disturb other flights.

At 2 p.m., the activists were asked to leave. 

Many did, but about 100 stayed and sat on the ground with their arms and legs locked together. 

The Marechaussee and police began removing them around 3 p.m.

XR wants fewer flights, more trains, and a ban on short flights and private jets. 

A group of 20 scientists from the Scientist Rebellion (SR) also joined the protest. 

They blocked the entrance to the private jet terminal with bicycles for a short time.

How many people were part of the protest is unclear, but the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee thinks it could be hundreds.

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